Dal 28 novembre 2018 al 29 novembre 2018
Immunotherapy Bridge 2018

After decades when most immunotherapeutic approaches used to fight cancer seemed ineffective, counteracted by the tumor’s ability to evade immune attack, extensive research has improved our understanding of tumor immunology and enabled the development of treatments that can harness the patient’s immune system and prevent immune escape.

The relative recent clinical success of immune checkpoint blockade with anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen (CTLA)-4 and anti-programmed death (PD)-1/PD-ligand (L)1 inhibitors in melanoma and other cancers has encouraged increasing development of other immunotherapies, particularly monoclonal antibodies with other immune targets, adoptive cell transfer and vaccines. Indeed, it has been estimated that there are over 3000 immuno-oncology trials ongoing, targeting hundreds of disease and immune pathways. Study results have highlighted a number of recurring observations, including the immunotherapy potential for clinical application across a broad patient population and for both conventional and unconventional response patterns.

The first session of immunotherapy bridge will be jointly organized with the Society for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (SITC) and dedicated to the evolving topics on cancer immunotherapy and tumor microenvironment. A focus on the trends in immunotherapy in various type of cancers (e.g. pancreas, central nervous system) and on the drivers of immune response (e.g. the role of metabolism) will follow.

Conclusions will be drawn after the “Great Debate” session, where counterpoint views from leading experts on specific controversial clinical issues will be presented and discussed: (1) adaptive versus innate immunotherapeutic approaches; (2) combined versus sequential administration of immunotherapeutic treatments; (3) mouse versus human as preclinical models; (4) whether resistance is different in different cancers. 

Presidents of the event are Paolo A. Ascierto (INT, Naples, Italy), Lisa Butterfield (University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) and Igor Puzanov (Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo New York) and will gather with the international faculty members in an interactive atmosphere which stimulates discussion and exchange of their experience on the immunotherapy of cancer.

Questo evento è accreditato per le seguenti professioni:


FARMACISTA (territoriale, ospedaliero)



MEDICO CHIRURGO Allergologia e immunologia clinica, anatomia patologica, cardiologia, chirurgia generale, chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva, dermatologia e venereologia, ematologia, farmacologia e tossicologia clinica, gastroenterologia, ginecologia e ostetricia, igiene, epidemiologia e sanità pubblica, laboratorio di genetica medica, malattie dell’apparato respiratorio, medicina generale, medicina interna, nefrologia, oncologia, patologia clinica, radioterapia, radiodiagnostica, reumatologia, urologia, cure palliative



On-line registration will be available until November 20th.
Only on site registrations will be accepted after the deadline.


Registration fees (€)

ImmunoTherapy Bridge
NOV 28th-29th

Melanoma Bridge
29th-DEC 1st

Both ImmunoTherapy & Melanoma Bridge

Before August 1st 550,00 € 550,00 € 990,00 €
After August 1st 750,00 € 750,00 € 1.350,00 €
Under 35 years 350,00 € 350,00 € 630,00 €
On site registration Fee 800,00 € 800,00 € 1.440,00 €

all prices are VAT non included

The registration will be complete once you have filled the online registration form and made your payment via Credit card/Paypal or bank transfer. To pay with Credit Card/Paypal you will be charged of a 5% commission. You will receive a confirmation email upon completion of the whole registration procedure.


Hospitality (SOLD OUT)


Hospitality package is available upon registration and includes:
  • Accommodation at 3* or 4* hotel, walking distance from congress venue
  • Dinners at local restaurants for the whole period
  • Transfers from/to Naples Central Station/Airport

ImmunoTherapy Bridge
IN NOV 27th OUT 29th
(2 nights)

Melanoma Bridge
IN NOV 29th OUT DEC 1st
(2 nights)

Both ImmunoTherapy & Melanoma Bridge
IN Nov 27th
OUT Dec 1st
(4 nights)

Hospitality package 950,00 € 950,00 € 1.800,00 €

all prices are VAT non included


For any technical issue please contact our website Help desk service at help@3psolution.it

ATTENZIONE: Per registrarsi all'evento è necessario iscriversi al sito.
Per iscriverti al sito clicca qui altrimenti effettua la login

Dal 28 novembre 2018 al 29 novembre 2018

Responsabile scientifico
Prof. P.A. Ascierto

Crediti attribuiti all'evento: 3,0

ID ECM: 237450

Infermiere pediatrico - Infermiere - Medico chirurgo - Biologo - Farmacista

Evento accreditato per: 201 partecipanti