Dal 30 novembre 2017 al 2 dicembre 2017
Melanoma Bridge

Recent insights into the genetic and somatic aberrations have initiated a new era of rapidly evolving treatments for melanoma. After decades of unsuccessful attempts to find a more effective cure in the treatment of melanoma now therapists have several active drugs. The possibility to use targeted and immune-based drugs alone, in combination, or in sequence, able to improve responses to overcome the resistance, to potentiate the action of immune system with the new immunomodulating antibodies, and identification of biomarkers that can predict the response to a particular therapy, represent new concepts and approaches in the clinical management of melanoma. In order to disclose and stimulate the discussion of new approaches and strategies in the field of melanoma, and based on the increasing success of “Melanoma Bridge” events over the years since 2011, more than 50 international faculty members will join “Melanoma Bridge 2017”.

Presidents of the event are Paolo A. Ascierto (INT, Naples, Italy), Ena Wang (Sidra Center, Doha, Qatar), and Corrado Caracò (INT, Naples, Italy), who will gather with the international faculty members in an interactive atmosphere which stimulated discussion and exchange of their experience regarding the most recent advances in research and clinical management of melanoma patients.

Latest findings in melanoma research and advances on themes of paramount importance for melanoma prevention, diagnosis and treatment, will be discussed in the session dedicated to system biology on immunotherapy, immunogenicity and gene expression profiling, in the two sessions focused on the progresses of melanoma research on biomarkers/precision medicine and on combination strategies, respectively. Also, Melanoma Bridge will end with a brand new session, a Great Debate in which three big topics will be shown and thoroughly discussed from two different points of view, and namely: linfadenectomy (pros vs. contra), first line choice (immunotherapy vs. target therapy), treatment association choice (combination vs. sequencing).


Questo evento verrà accreditato per le seguenti professioni:


FARMACISTA (territoriale, ospedaliero)


MEDICO CHIRURGO (allegologia e immunologia clinica; anatomia patologica; chirurgia generale; chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva; dermatologia e venereologia; medicina interna; oncologia; patologia clinica; radioterapia; radiodiagnostica; reumatologia)


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Dal 30 novembre 2017 al 2 dicembre 2017

Napoli (NA), Eurostars Hotel Excelsior - Via Partenope, 48

Responsabile scientifico
Prof. Paolo A. Ascierto

Crediti attribuiti all'evento: 3,0

ID ECM: 208193

Farmacista - Infermiere - Biologo - Medico chirurgo

Evento accreditato per: 250 partecipanti